Frequently Asked Questions
1) Do I need an account to order?
Answer: No. It is not required and we do not use account numbers. All we need is your Agency Name, shipping and/or billing address, phone number, and email address.
2) Do you have a Fentanyl test?
Answer: Our "Marquis" (amphetamine/opiates) test will give a color change indicating the possible presence of fentanyl. The color it produces is similar to the color for amphetamines. The lab will be able to tell the difference more accurately.
3) What about the dangers of touching or inhaling Fentanyl when testing?
Answer: With our crush tests there are ways to greatly reduce any contact with any substance, especially fentanyl. We recommend you wear gloves when testing to prevent any drug from touching your skin. If using the Marquis or Heroin test always crush with the fiber tip inside the plastic tube. This will protect you from the acid in the test as well as any powder becoming airborne. If using the meth or cocaine test you can crush with the tip inside the cardboard sleeve, or crush the ampule and then touch the substance being sure to leave enough of the suspect substance contamination free for lab testing.
4) What if I get a positive reaction from the meth and cocaine test?
Answer: Then you should also test with a Marquis tester. If that also gives a positive reaction have the lab check for bath salts.
5) Why did I get an email or phone call asking about my online order?
Answer: When we get an order without an agency name (especially when paid with a credit card) we will attempt to verify the order with the customer. If our attempts to contact the customer fail due to a bad email address, or no answer on the phone we will cancel the order and refund any credit card charges. If we attempt to contact you please return the call or email before 1:30 pm central time to avoid having your order canceled.
6) Do you have a crush test for marijuana?
Answer: No. We have not been able to come up with a way to reliably get the marijuana to adhere to the fiber tip without affecting the test or needing to place the marijuana inside a tube.
7) How much does it take to get a result with the 3 step tests?
Answer: A very minimal (trace) amount of drug is needed. Residue is enough to get a color change.
*Tip* If you are trying to pay with a credit card and it will not go through please call us. Sometimes the card company is the problem and sometimes it is our sites fraud detection.
8) Is it possible to test liquids with the ampules?
Answer: Yes. It only takes a small amount of liquid on the fiber tip. The color reaction may take place towards the back on the fiber due the the liquid being absorbed and reacting with the chemical before it can saturate through the fiber. This is normal.
*Tip* See the video for the Amphetamine/Opiates tests. A liquid is being tested in that video.
9) What to do if your card declines on the website:
If you want to pay with a card but the website is declining your purchase there is a way to get around this issue.
A good first step is to make sure there is not a hold placed on your card by contacting either your accounting department or the card issuer directly. This may also resolve other issues that result in declined purchases.
You can also push the order through as a "PO" and wait for the emailed invoice. You can pay directly from the link with your card. Or you can call us to order and we will run the card for you just let us know it was declined by the website. This way the card will be run through a different service.
If you have any other questions please email or call us.